Ways to Pray. Resources to Grow. Stories of Revival.
We are a movement of like-minded and hot-hearted Christians who are uniting in biblical repentance and fervent prayer for the extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit in our day.
"With heavy hearts, we recognize that the church in America is in a state of spiritual emergency. Like the churches warned in Revelation, we have become lukewarm and compromised, and the light of our witness has grown dim.
We confess that despite access to more resources and biblical teaching than any other group of believers in history, we are not characterized by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. And we acknowledge our lack of widespread impact for Christ on our lost and disintegrating culture.
But God is waking us from our slumber and mobilizing us to pray earnestly for revival. Together, we desire to travel the narrow road of brokenness, humility, repentance, and obedience.
In desperation for God, we cry out for the extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit in our day. We believe that true revival is the only hope to reverse our spiritual recession and enable us once again to display the beauty of Jesus Christ and His gospel throughout the world."
in humble repentance from every sin God reveals to us.
with other believers in spreading the hope of Christ-centered revival.
with urgency for spiritual recovery and awakening.