OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

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Revival Leaders Gather in Reno

OneCry Reno is growing. March 1 was the second annual gathering of churches and ministries from Reno, Nevada, and nearly 700 people attended.The day before saw a smaller meeting of revival leaders from other American cities, held at Reno Christian Fellowship. These leaders all possess a heart for revival for their own cities, and they came to learn more by observing Reno’s experience and listening to each other.The cities represented included Asheville (NC), Cartersville (GA), Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Central Florida, Grand Rapids, Little Rock, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Reno, Russellville (KY), San Antonio, and Syracuse.Those in attendance gleaned much from our time together. It was enjoyable simply to be in a room full of people whose hearts beat for revival and spiritual awakening.We also heard from a Reno pastor, Brent Brooks, who has been part of the leadership team in his community’s move toward unity and revival. And each person got to share his or her own perspectives on revival and spiritual awakening during our formal and informal times together.Most of our group was able the next day to attend OneCry Reno, which underscored for us the power that occurs when diverse “tribes” of Christianity in a region come together in unity around Jesus Christ.Comments from the group about our time together were overwhelmingly positive. Pete Ortega from San Antonio had reactions similar to the thoughts of others:

The trip made it possible for me to unite with others who have the same desire. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room as each pastor and ministry leader poured their hearts out, crying out for revival.I left the conference knowing that God has a plan, and He has shared it with us. Because even though we are all from different parts of the country and we had not talked with each other before, we are heading on the same path. I believe that each of us will plant seeds in our cities which will then be connected nationally by OneCry.

As to the future, it is expected that these leaders will stay in touch with each other and pray for God to pour out His Spirit on all the communities represented.We plan to meet again in the not-too-distant future (Chicago?), and we hope that additional cities and regions are added. Contact OneCry’s Randy Hekman for more information.