OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

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It’s Time to Lead!

The messages God had for the churches of Asia Minor (Revelation 2–3) were addressed to the angels, or messengers, of the churches. His expectation then and now is that the pastors will follow His instructions and lead in reviving the church and redeeming the culture.Do we think that our level of repentance, prayer, and spiritual leadership is consistent with what God does before He sends revival? It may be that our first level of prayer concern should be for God to revive our hearts, as pastors, and then use us as the means through which He would revive our churches.As Jonathan Edwards, the great leader of the First Great Awakening, observed, we need “explicit agreement and visible union among God’s people in extraordinary prayer”!Our Current NeedOur current need is great. If we are to see the revival we long for, we must move to a new level of agreement about this and about united prayer. If we continue with the same level and intensity of prayer, we can only expect the same results we are now seeing.Your RoleGod is calling us now, as pastors and spiritual leaders, to lead those around us into new experiences of desperate, sustained, fervent prayer for revival in the church and spiritual awakening among the lost. It MUST start with us.Prayer Meetings Must Be Led!If you do not know how to lead your people and help the whole church in the city move to a deeper level of prayer, you must ask God and learn! There are multiple helps available.We must move into extraordinary prayer. Prayer that moves heaven. Prayer that makes a difference. Prayer that precedes revival.