OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

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A Word for Us in the Midst of Political Rancor

The recent election has illustrated the dramatic division in our nation. We are almost evenly divided politically, but the depth of intensity on each side is monumental.As a believer, how am I to respond to the people around me, some of which I am dramatically opposed to in terms of their political convictions?As always, the Bible gives us all the instruction we need:Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled (Hebrews 12:14-15 NASB).PURSUE PEACEThis is not a passive command. Pursue means to aggressively seek for, to run after. It demands effort on my part. To seek peace with others does not mean mere toleration, but intentionality and focus.There are some who do not want peace. Paul speaks to this in Romans 12:18, reminding us of our approach: “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”PURSUE SANCTIFICATIONIn the midst of difficulty, keep seeking the holy, godly response. Let your intent through times of difficulty or relational strain be to become as much like Christ as possible.This can only be done by reliance on the Spirit of God who lives within you, if you are a follower of Christ. Let it be a season of spiritual advance, not a slide into relational frustration and rancor.GRAB GRACEGod always has grace for the moment. Grace is that divine dynamic that gives us the desire and power to do what He intends.If we resist the grace of God, we will respond in pride in moments of relational tension and become bitter. An acidic spirit grows in our hearts that refuses to accept the circumstances and people around us as tools in God’s hand to make us more like Christ, and an opportunity for witness to the reality of Christ.Bitterness has horrific results. It always springs up (you can’t stop it), always causes trouble, and always defiles many (poisons others around us). You simply don’t want to go there. It is a place where many live to their detriment.Wouldn’t it be tragic if something simple like a political election caused a bitter spirit to grow in you which could keep you in bondage the rest of your life?The people around you are not objects; they are people. They have a history that has shaped them and a purpose from God that can direct them. You are God’s ambassador to bring them what they cannot find or see anywhere else.It’s a great time to let a life of grace and truth shine, pointing others to the One who can change everything!