OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

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On Fire for Jesus

Elise Angiolillo’s extended Italian family was largely Catholic, but God graciously called her and her mother to Himself. Gratefully her father was also saved years later.She has been an English teacher for missionary children in Ecuador, and later the Director of Telecommunications for Syracuse University and then Florida Atlantic University.Most recently, Elise has served as the Interfaith Specialist for Florida Atlantic University. She is also one of many OneCry volunteer coordinators with a passion and burden for OneCry’s mission and vision.“My vision is the same for both Florida and the U.S.A. That would be the restoration of Jesus to His rightful place in our families, churches, cities, states, and nation.”Elise heard about OneCry through her local Moody radio station. The station was asking for donations for a ministry, and offering a gift to say thank you. Elise forgot to decline the gift, and a few days later, the book OneCry: A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening appeared on her doorstep.“It was totally engaging. I read it several times.”At the same time, Florida Atlantic Interfaith was hosting the Prayer House of the Palm Beaches. They meet the last Saturday of each month at various churches around the county for twelve hours of continuous, united, multi-church prayer.“When I mentioned OneCry to the leader, she said, ‘Oh, OneCry’s Palm Beach County representative is coming!’ We met, and I joined the movement.”On a scale of 1–10, Elise’s passion for revival and awakening is an 11. She says that’s because it is the only real hope that addresses the real problems faced by individuals, families, Christ’s church, and our nation.“My heart aches for our country and for the next generation. As a nation, we have turned our backs on the God who has blessed us more than any nation in history. It is even sadder to realize that we are following a pattern that has existed for thousands of years. Nations become great. They become ‘wise in their own conceits,’ abandon the founding values that made them great, and then they fall. This is not a new pattern, yet we continue in the same path, headed for the same result.”The Lord has called Elise to leave Florida Atlantic University and volunteer with OneCry. Those working for the state of Florida in the area of interfaith are forbidden to initiate spiritual conversations. Only students may do so.“It is my hope to return to the FAU campus in the fall as a volunteer to share OneCry with the Christian clubs. I have also begun meeting with pastors to share the program. Several churches have been or will be presenting the program to their congregations. Some have intercessors that have begun times of prayer and intercession for revival.”Working on college campuses has increased Elise’s concern and passion for the next generation.“On today’s campuses, so many students walk around with a lost look in their eyes, vulnerable to anyone who can help them find any kind of purpose and meaning for their lives. As the older generation, we must ask ourselves, ‘What kind of heritage are we leaving them? What kind of world will they be living in when we’re gone? Can we really look at them and think they are not worth a daily time of heartfelt prayer for revival?’”When asked what Elise would tell someone who feels the same tug on their heart to promote revival in their city or region, her immediate response was:“Join OneCry! But my better response is to join him or her in prayer to seek God’s leading for their lives. No matter where the Lord leads, they could serve as a catalyst for revival in their own church by bringing together a group of intercessors, no matter how small, who would commit to praying on a regular basis for the return of the manifest presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”