OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Revival and Spiritual Awakening

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United Cry DC16

Only a united church can heal a divided nation.Polls tell us that the state of America is not united. From political debates to the Supreme Court, from college campuses to the workplace, people are facing division, frustration, and anger.The answers to these difficult issues are complex, but there is a group that is appealing to heaven for help and solutions. On April 9, 2016, United Cry DC16 is gathering pastors, Christian leaders, churches, and believers from across the nation to pray for the healing and future of America at the Lincoln Memorial.“America’s future is in danger. Research shows people are worried about the economy, jobs, families, terrorism, racial conflict, and the attacks on biblical values,” states Lewis Hogan, founder of United Cry DC16. “United Cry DC16 is calling pastors to pray together for our nation. We believe that pastors should be leaders in prayer, love, and unity. Only a united church can help heal a divided America.”United Cry DC16 is a national prayer event for pastors. Diverse leaders adding their support include Ronnie Floyd, Anne Graham Lotz, George Wood, Harry Jackson, Jim Garlow, Sammy Rodriguez, and Doug Stringer. The seven-hour prayer gathering will ask God for forgiveness, blessing, and spiritual awakening for America, and declare the United States “One Nation Under God.”“There is hope for America, and prayer can make a difference,” Hogan explains. “We are gathering, not to protest or complain about politics, but to honor our leaders and pastors by praying for them. We are coming with humble hearts and asking God to heal the spiritual condition of our nation.”All Christian pastors, leaders, and believers are invited to join national Christian leaders to lift a united cry at this historic, multi-ethnic, multi-generational gathering on April 9, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Raise your voice by registering FREE at