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Host a OneCry Weekend

A OneCry Weekend is a great way to refresh your congregation and start them on a journey toward pursuing Christ for revival and spiritual awakening!

What to Expect from a OneCry Weekend

Revival Preaching

Christ-centered, revival-centered preaching, with a call to unite together and seek the face of God.


Our team of worship leaders will collaborate with your team to design a Christ-honoring worship experience.

Prayer Workshops

Our team will work with you to plan a custom, interactive workshop experience focusing on building a culture of prayer in your church.

Prayer Gathering

The weekend concludes with an interactive worship and prayer evening designed to inspire new prayer rhythms for your church.


  • There are no planned costs. We ask that the church would consider covering the speaker and worship leader’s lodging and provide an honorarium for travel expenses.

  • We work with your team to design an event schedule which works best for your church.

  • We believe that we all continually need a deeper desire to pursue the Lord and cry out for revival and awakening. Every church and individual can benefit from seeking the Lord in a deeper way.

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