New OneCry App Released!

Thanks to the generosity of a friend of the ministry, we have a new OneCry app you can download (for free) to your iPhones and iPads (we hope to add Android functionality soon) that includes the following:
  • It brings you our daily prayer from the OneCry Prayer Guide and allows you to say, along with thousands of others, “I prayed!”
  • It gives you the ability to get caught up on OneCry News and Conversations, along with our weekly blogs and special items of interest.
  • It allows a person to join the movement, actually sign the OneCry Declaration, and see how many others have done the same.
  • It allows you to view the OneCry Promotional and the OneCry Declaration of National Spiritual Emergency videos, each with just one click.
  • It provides a graphical presentation of the Plan of Salvation that you can share with others.

So, go to your iOS app store and search for “OneCry.” Download and install the app and stay connected as God continues to graciously propel this movement for spiritual awakening. For those who have the older OneCry app, this is not an update, it’s completely new!


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