When God Will Not Hear Our Cry


The Role of Repentance in Revival 

“They have turned back to the iniquities of their ancestors who refused to hear My words, and they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken My covenant which I made with their fathers.” Therefore thus says the Lord, “Behold I am bringing disaster on them which they will not be able to escape; though they will cry to Me, yet I will not listen to them. Then the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will go and cry to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they surely will not save them in the time of their disaster” (Jeremiah 11:10-12 NASB).

God hears our prayers. This is one of the great truths of the Bible—a truth on which we deeply rely ... and, in this particular season in our nation, a truth that we desperately must understand and apply.But is there a possibility of crying out and God not hearing and delivering? Might we encounter a deaf ear from the only One who can save us?When God Turns a Deaf EarThe answer is “Yes!” When the judgment of God comes, it is for the intent of our turning.It is like pain to the human body to awaken us to something we are doing that is hurting us and others. It is a call to understand our sin and humbly return to the God who made us ... to live once again by “every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).But what if God sends His remedial judgment (judgment designed to bring us to a remedy), and we will not repent? We won’t turn? We keep following after the gods of this world?Apparently at that moment, God will not hear and answer our prayers. And this makes perfect sense. If the purpose of discipline is not heeded, the discipline must continue.The Prayer God HearsHumble, repentant prayers will be heard and answered. The One who reigns over all will ignore proud, unrepentant prayers.Is God calling for repentance in some area of your life? Your church? Your community? Our nation? We cannot ignore His work and expect a response.God is not playing games. He does not speak to be disregarded. Do you want to be heard?Then listen to God’s evaluation and direction. Have a willing heart to do what He desires, and then cry out to Him. He will hear every humble, repentant cry!


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