
The story is told of an elderly minister who was dying, and a young man offered to read the Bible to him. First Chronicles 1, with 250 unfamiliar names in 54 verses, was his request. The minister responded with gratitude for the very “comforting passage.”“Please tell me, what is so comforting about this chapter?” the young man asked rather frankly.“Ah,” said the older minister, “just to think that God knows them all by name!”As Franklin Graham visits all 50 states during the Decision America Tour, many ask him about his father, Billy Graham. Recently Franklin shared, “He doesn’t think anybody remembers who he is, so he’ll say, ‘If you meet anybody who remembers me, tell ’em hello.’”Of course God knows the dynamic evangelist Billy Graham, who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with millions around the globe for more than 60 years.The reality is that God knows each of us by name. He knew every individual who recently lost their life as a result of the violence and unrest in our nation. While our hearts are grieved, how much more the Father’s heart is moved with compassion for these victims, who were created in His image and are of inestimable worth.. . . BUT DOES HE RESPOND?Living in a seemingly upside down world—where wrong is legalized as right, and truth is mocked or totally disregarded—is not a new issue. The ancient Psalmist once cried out in despair: “Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be, for the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.... The wicked strut about on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men” (Psalm 12:1, 8 NASB).Yet couched in the middle of David’s prayer, we hear the Lord responding, “Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy, now I will arise ...; I will set him in the safety for which he longs” (12:5).This is why we do not despair but continue crying out to God for a Christ awakening in our nation. Cry Out America state and local coordinators are actively mobilizing churches and intercessors to respond to Jesus’ invitation, “Will you not wake up and pray with Me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40 paraphrased).Denominational leaders are calling all of their churches to commit to a solemn assembly for prayer on Sunday, September 11. Will you invite your church to join at this critical time in our nation?If we cannot pray a full hour, why not spend eleven minutes on 9/11 praying for revival and awakening in America? God knows how desperately we need Him to ARISE! (OneCry encourages you to participate in the Cry Out America day of prayer on Sunday, September 11, 2016, on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. Find out more ways to get involved at Cry Out America.) 


Becoming Canaanites


Restored Fear