Is Revival Here?


I recently read an article where the author hinted that America is in the beginning stages of the Third Great Awakening.The basis for such a statement was that various ethnicities and denominations are finally coming together in unity saying that God is the answer to our nation’s problem—praying together and worshiping together—not just a few, but thousands!This does sound glorious. After all, OneCry is in part about the need for UNITY.We certainly need pastors and leaders to call for unity and to seek the Lord for revival and awakening. We need to join with others, who aren’t necessarily like us, to PRAY and cry out together.But, are we also TURNING from our personal and corporate sins? Are we turning from our false doctrines and practices? Are we unifying around the essentials of the true faith?It is difficult for many to cross ethnic and denominational lines. In fact, it’s hard for many to reach across the room within their own people group and denomination.We must do more of both. We must reconcile with others and humble ourselves before each other.At the same time, though, we must be careful not to encourage and promote uniformity among those who embrace serious doctrinal and practical error. Vance Havner said,

I am more afraid of false revival than of no revival—a false revival with a false gospel, false evangelists, false converts, false joy. It will seem so genuine that it would deceive, if possible, the very elect. Many church leaders will endorse it. Other good people will be afraid to oppose it for fear that they might be fighting against God.

His warning is sobering. OneCry is all about revival and awakening. If God sends us seasons of revival and awakenings, it will require the true people of God to “cross the aisle” and join hands. But let’s make sure we are joining hands with those who bow their knees and confess with their mouths, “Jesus is Lord.”We are a church and a nation that is quite divided. Our words mean different things to different people. The terms revival, awakening, and even Jesus have different meanings depending on who you ask.By all means let us move forward, out of our comfort zones, to UNITE with others to PRAY and TURN. Let’s just make sure we do not compromise truth in the midst our pursuit of the presence of God.Is revival here? Maybe, and maybe not, but let us keep pressing in and drawing near to God.


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