Powerful Prayer Meetings


Have you ever been part of a powerful prayer meeting?In the city of Boston in the mid-1800s, a prayer meeting lasted for three years, resulting in great fruit coming to the city’s churches.Yet at the end of the three years, the prayer focus stopped. It was recorded that “the condition of the church in Boston has fallen to a lower ebb than when we first began.”Ten years later, this prayer meeting was resurrected, and various churches in Boston were organized to pray six days a week. This prayer meeting migrated to New York and influenced a visiting young businessman to start prayer meetings all over New York City.One of those locations was near Wall Street, led by Jeremiah Lanphier just before a great financial collapse.In the coming weeks, the New York Times estimated that 50,000 people were turning to God in prayer during the noon hour in locations all across the city.The Great Prayer Movement of 1857 was born, and thousands of people came to Christ in salvation, or returned to Christ as their first love. All of this had its roots in a resurrected prayer meeting in Boston.What could happen if godly leaders were to resurrect regular prayer meetings in churches across our nation?Bob Bakke is a pastor, author, and revival historian.


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