Preparing for the Wonder


Usually we are clueless. Our failure to draw near to the Lord every day has resulted in inattentiveness to the Lord.God helps us overcome this lethargy if we’ll listen.In Joshua 1 we see God alerting Joshua to prepare the people for His wondrous work of parting the Jordan River and letting them walk on dry land to enter the Promised Land.

Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you” (Joshua 3:5 ESV).

And they did.And God did.I wonder if there are wonders we miss simply because we are not ready. Things God desires to say to us, to do through us, but our unconsecrated lives leave us oblivious to the spiritual realities right before our eyes. Others may prepare and experience them, but we are clueless.I wonder if revival is not like this. Is God not waiting for His people to consecrate themselves—to turn, pray, and unite—so we can see His wonders?Certainly revival would bring us to holiness, but also a return to Him opens the door for His reviving.God is speaking all the time.Life’s great tragedy for today would be to not hear. To have ears full of the wax of the world and eyes consumed with lesser visions.Consecrate yourself today. Aslan is on the move …


Moving Beyond Denominational Barriers


A Revival Key: Spiritual Receptivity